Intense Pulsed Light therapy, also referred to as Ipl or photo facial, offers Nashville patients the chance to improve the tone and texture of their skin without significant recovery or downtime.

The skin specialists at Hatef Aesthetics perform IPL using a Cutera machine, which uses a special pulse laser approach by delivering short bursts of high-intensity light energy below the skin’s surface. This light energy helps to damage the melanin, responsible for causing sun or age spots and other skin discolorations, and also address the damaged blood vessels that cause visible broken capillaries and redness from rosacea. IPL treatments also help boost the natural collagen production in the skin and can help to kill bacteria in acne-prone patients.

Although IPL is a form of laser therapy, the treatments are much gentler than traditional laser resurfacing procedures and require very little to no downtime following a treatment session. Although IPL is a comfortable procedure for the majority of patients, some do notice mild discomfort during their treatment, although this sensation lessens with continued treatments. While there may be some variance depending on the area to be treated and amount of correction that’s needed, you can expect most treatment sessions to take about half an hour.

Because of the minimally invasive nature of IPL, Dr. Hatef recommends a series of treatments for the best results, usually between three and six sessions spaced about a month apart. The number of treatments will vary from patient to patient according to your specific appearance goals. You should see a change in your skin after your first treatment. At first, brown spots will actually become darker and you may see some redness. This can be covered by makeup and should resolve quickly. Skin will look smoother and your skin tone will become more even, with the effects becoming gradually more visible following each session.

Contact us today to learn more about IPL and which treatment may be right for you: (615) 678-6273

We are located in the heart of Belle Meade and just a few minutes from Green Hills.