Facelift & Necklift.

Perhaps the operation Dr. Hatef is most sought-after-for is facial rejuvenation. Dr. Hatef believes that this is because he works to make your face looks the way it did when you were in your thirties – turning back the clock with skillfully performed and effective surgery.

Dr. Hatef’s Extensive Background in Facial Rejuvenation

Through is years in plastic surgery, Dr. Hatef has done many facelifts, and he is one of the pioneers of the use of the facial fat compartments for filler and fat injections. He spent 3 years in Dallas at UT Southwestern, spending all day in the operating room helping the masters of facelift surgery, and then at night he would dissect faces and use elaborate techniques to discern more information about facial anatomy.

Those 3 years were well-spent: They led to the uncovering of something completely new, highlighting the importance of the fat compartments, their fascial boundaries, and the contributions of these structures to facial appearance and aging. Dr. Hatef is proud of that work, and to have been in a very special place at a very special time, and to have published a lot of work on those discoveries. Dr. Hatef’s Nashville patients can now benefit from this advanced training and knowledge in facial rejuvenation.

The Trend Towards Natural Results

There is a trend towards “natural” results recently, and it is a reaction to the overdone facelifts everyone has been seeing. However, Dr. Hatef believes that we are now seeing facelift results that are underdone, and still bizarre, because harmony has not been achieved.

The Trend of Fat Injections

Fat injections are another buzzword lately, and they have been touted as the cure-all for strange appearances after facelift surgery. The problem is that they too are leading to some results that look bizarre and inappropriate.

What You Can Expect from Dr. Hatef

Dr. Hatef will use his experience in facial rejuvenation with your facelift. The result you will get with Dr. Hatef will not necessarily be “natural”, but you will not look strange either. He will aim to turn back the clock with both the operation, and with the before and after skin care. You will get:
Optimized skin care: When you consult with Dr. Hatef, the first thing he may do is have you see one of his fabulous aestheticians for optimization of skin care, or consider laser resurfacing or microneedling. This is because if your skin looks 50, but he makes your facial fat and structure look 30, you will look undesirable. Your skin needs to look as young as your underlying facial structure will appear after the facelift procedure.

Preparedness for the Procedure

During your consultation, Dr. Hatef will be looking not only at your facial skin and underlying fat and skeletal structure, but also assessing your mental toughness and commitment to excellence. Getting a good facelift result is a team effort, and Dr. Hatef will need you on board to accomplish it!

To achieve the most harmonious result with a facelift, often patients will benefit from a concomitant necklift. In the hands of Dr. Hatef, rejuvenation of the neck requires just a small incision below your chin. Through this, Dr. Hatef will take out the appropriate fat and other deeper structures, contour your superficial fat, and put the platysma muscle back together in the midline. A combination of these maneuvers can do wonders for the lax neck and banding.

Another group of patients that benefits from neck rejuvenation isn’t the aged patient; it is the patient with submental fullness (also known as a double chin) or a fat neck. The best way to get rid of this is through liposuction in this area. Although it is exciting to have more options like Kybella, contouring the neck using liposuction can achieve more substantial results. The result can be dramatic and life-changing. One caveat though – you MUST wear a near-suffocating garment for one month afterwards!