
Although patients never come to Dr. Hatef and ask for a “lip lift”, it is something that he frequently does in combination with facelifts. A youthful position of the upper lip is one that shows the teeth; the youthful upper lip is short and allows for excellent show of the upper teeth not just when smiling, but at rest too. Some patients who look weird after a facelift actually don’t have a bad facelift result; the sides of their face, cheeks, and jaw look very youthful and rejuvenated, but their mouth still looks old. This gives a strange look and often when patients come to Dr. Hatef dissatisfied with their facelift result, he will tell them that it’s not their facelift that’s bad – it’s that their perioral region was not addressed. In your consultation Dr. Hatef will assess your lips and perioral region and you both will strongly consider addressing these areas as well. It’s important to achieve harmony!